During the recent LGFB-SA workshop at the Wits Donald Gordon Oncology unit, I was overwhelmed with emotions as I witnessed the impact it had on everyone who attended.
When the workshop started, I knew we had created a safe space for patients to come together and connect. We had provided them with an opportunity to learn about makeup and skincare products, but more importantly, we had created a space for them to share their hopes and fears and find emotional support from those who understood their struggles.
As the workshop progressed, I could feel the atmosphere in the room change. The women in the group began to open up and share their stories, and it was incredibly moving to see how much they had in common. Despite their different backgrounds and experiences, they all shared a deep appreciation for the gift of life and a determination to make the most of every moment.
During the workshop, I delivered a deeply personal message to the group. I wanted them to know that even when facing death, they were never really losing the battle against cancer. They could leave on their own terms, with their integrity intact, and a deep appreciation for the life they had lived. I wanted them to understand that every second counts, and they must make the most of every moment.
The beauty products and makeup tutorials provided by LGFB were a fantastic ice-breaker and provided a fun activity for the ladies to enjoy. But what was most significant was the connections that were made and the emotional support that was provided. The LGFB workshop is so much more than just a patient self-care event; it is a psychology session that helps patients connect and share their experiences.
I am incredibly grateful to L’Oreal South Africa for their support and sponsorship of the workshop. As one of the founding members of LGFB, they understand the importance of supporting cancer patients, not just physically but emotionally and psychologically as well. Their commitment to providing care and support to those who need it most is truly inspiring.
As I look back on the workshop, I feel humbled and inspired by the strength and courage of the women I met. They are an inspiration to us all, and I am honored to have been a part of their journey. The LGFB workshop is a powerful reminder of the importance of community, connection, and support in times of adversity.
Humbled, Yvette
I have been fighting breast cancer since 2000. My daughters were aged 6 and 12. In 2015 the cancer returned and was now in my lungs, skeleton and lymph system. Currently I am a patient at Donald Gorden oncology and am surprised that I have been unaware of the workshops, except seeing pamphlets at reception. Will you be able to advise me how I am to proceed to be able to join a workshop?
Thank you
Cathy Watson